
RGB Cube  v.1. 1. 2001

This software displays the RGB cube transformation in different color spaces (RGB, XYZ, xyY, I1I2I3, UVW, LSLM, L*a*b*, L*u*v*, LHC, HSV, HSV Polar, CMY, HSI, HSI Polar, LHS, YUV, YIQ).

ColorSpace  v.1. 1. 2001

ColorSpace and RGBCube are made freely available to promote knowledge of color. ColorSpace and RGBCube are 'research-grade' rather than commercial-quality softwares; they are used in color science teaching.

CSSTint  v.1 1

CSSTint is an utility that allows you to easily change the appearance (i.e. colors) of your website, by modifying the CSS file(s) using hue, saturation and lightness modifications (both HSL and HSV supported).

ColourChimp  v.1.1

ColourChimp is a utility for gathering screen colours, comparing them and editing them a breeze so that it is really easy to get the hex for the colour you are after. You can then copy the appropriate representation (ARGB, RGB, HSV,

Free Hamburg SV Screensaver  v.3.0

Hamburger Sport-Verein, usually referred to as HSV in Germany and Hamburg in international parlance, is a German multi-sport club based in Hamburg, its largest branch being its football department.

Chroma Widget  v.1.5.2005

Chroma is an OS X Dashboard utility for converting colors between HSV, RGB, and HEX formats.

Pixpedia Publisher  v.

The Pixpedia Publisher allows you to create a large variety of visual projects, such as photo books, calendars, contact sheets, postcards and individual print layouts.

Visual Color Picker  v.2 6

Visual Color Picker is a very useful, light-weight and advanced color selector software application.

CodedColor PanoramaViewer  v.2 6

Panoramas can be created with any digital camera by shooting a series of images that all have a small overlapping vertical border, which can then be stitched together by some applications like CodedColor PhotoStudio.

Kolorgenerator  v.

Kolorgenerator (colors generator) is a tool designed especially for people working with colors. Can be usefull for programmers and webmasters as well as 'usual' people wanting to choose right color for desktop :).

CodedColor Toolbox  v.1.0

The CodedColor Toolbox is a small freeware application, which contains a few cool dialogs extracted from CodedColor PhotoStudio. You can generate PDF photo albums on-the-fly (i.e.

Xguiplus  v.1.0

Xguiplus is a set of Photoshop's-like color pickers. An MFC compliant Adobe Photoshops-like color picker. The main window allows you to create new colors and view / copy the color code.Jack Mesic wrote an extension to xgui written by Bobi B.

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